Frequently Asked Questions

A hackathon is known as an “invention marathon”. It offers everyone who has an interest in technology a welcoming and conducive atmosphere to learn, build & share their projects within 12-48hrs.
The hackathon will take place on 20-21 November. You have 48 hours to collaborate and build a solution within the tracklist. We’ll start the registration process on 2 November then go along with activites listed in the schedule and end the hackathon on Monday, 23 November (Time: TBA) with the announcement of the results.
Our hackathon will take place exclusively online. We use Gitter as the main platform for communication and pride for the hackathon submissions. These online services are completely free to use for attendees.

Register now
Yes. Anyone who has graduated within the last 12 months is still eligible to attend a Jumpstart hackathon. Although there are plenty of other hackathons options that exist for you to consider attending as a grad.
You don’t have to be a CS major or a programmer to attend a hackathon by Hyperspace. You just need to be enthuasistic about tech and be able to navigate your way through building your project.

This hackathon is open to all discipliines and we are looking for creative thinkers to provide to value to Africa’s unique problems
Mentors will be assigned to teams and they will be arround to support your teams build process with their feedback and knowledge with check-ins over the 48 hours throughout the hackathon. The mentors are knowledgeable experts in their their fields of endeavours having them around is a Gem to the Jumpstart Hackathon.

Some locations will also feature access to co-working spaces from partners for teams as a support bonus for particpating teams.

We recommend a manageable team size up to 7 members with varying skillsets needed to get your ideas up and running to be very much effective as you have to coordinate within your team. The minimum requirement for number of team members is 4 people.

In the event you don’t have a team, you could head on to our workplace on Gitter to build one with other awesome folks. 

It does not matter if you just got started with coding or have no ideas entirely on what programming is all about. Your experience in technology does not prevent you from attending a hackathon but rather your passion for tech powers your zeal to learn. If you choose to learn outside a hackathon, Our team put together a cache of awesome resources that could get you started while taking into account your individual learning needs and have you building cool projects in little time.
This is not a problem at all. All Hyperspace events come with a welcoming atmosphere for all questions and there is a team of volunteers and facilitators on t ground to help answer your questions and help you navigate your way around where you are stuck with anything. 

You will get to meet a whole lot of awesome people during the Jumpstart hackathon and make meaningful relationships during the time period.
It is normal to not know where to begin from in a hackathon. Most people don’t have an idea before they get to the event. But once you start talking to other people, you might come up with something. You can also work with other folks on their ideas if you are passionate it. And there will be prizes at the event which might help give you some ideas. Don’t worry about it, you’ll find something to work on.
You might think your project isn’t impressive and don’t want to present it. You should present it anyway!
Hyperspace hackathons aren’t about being the best or being competitive. It’s all about having fun, making friends and learning how to become better at stuff in technology. Presenting your project gives you a chance to be proud of what you’ve done, and my goodness, you should be very proud.
Are they prizes to be won in the Hackathon? Yes, there will be prizes but not just like the traditional hackathon in the sense of cash prizes, grants or whatnot. We are shifting the focus away from epic competitive battles to learning labs that validate your skills with building actual stuff that solves real-life problems that way you could be a better version of yourself at the end of the event.
The teams who build the project prototypes own the IP to the project and not Hyperspace or any of its partners.

It takes considerable effort to build something awesome and its up to you to own it.
Please read the participant agreement and code of conduct which all participants of the Jumpstart Hackathon agreed to abide by.

 Hyperspace Code of Conduct
Pride submission links will become available prior to prototype submissions according to the hackathon schedule.

Demo submissions require teams to upload a video demo to youtube of the prototype with the tracklist specified and explaining what the problem is being solved and how, what the impact they hope to achieve. Alink to the deployed build is a bonus if available.
It’s a two day hackathon. We are looking out for MVPs which are proof of concept, readily usable, useful to society and tied to reality No need to go over the top We look forward to seeing projects that show the core mechanics of a functional prototype. Focus on solving the problem.

The submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria: team size and build (do you have all the necessary competences to build your idea), Track selection, project build and design process and feasibility, viability and possible impact on the society.

We belive students learn by doing, so, our focus is to help students make practical use of their skills by building actual solutions and we can achieve this goal together through the Jumpstart Hackathon